The heart is still bleeding: Over 3,00,000 servers still vulnerable to Heartbleed

Just two months back, when a flaw was discovered in OpenSSL, it ignited the debate on the security of open source software. While countless articles were written on the seriousness of the vulnerability, it seems lessons have not been learnt.

Microsoft makes a bet: Quantum computing will be next big leap

SANTA BARBARA (CALIFORNIA): Modern computers are not unlike the looms of the industrial revolution: They follow programmed instructions to weave intricate patterns. With a loom, you see the result in a cloth or carpet. With a computer, you see it on an electronic display.

Nagios Log Server 2015r1.3 Released

Nagios Log Server 2015r1.3 has been released and is available for download. This release includes performance enhancements to the elasticsearch backend, support for SMTP Mail encryption, improved querying capabilities, and additional bug fixes to improve product usability.